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A CRMs Role in Lead Quantity Vs. Quality

Can a CRM improve your lead conversion rate? Read on to find out!

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"Quality Over Quantity"

An age-old phrase that holds true across many facets of life and business, including lead management.

As a real estate agent, it is easy to get caught up in the idea that in order to succeed, you must connect with as many people as possible through whatever means possible. However, all this leads to is feelings of being overwhelmed as you try to determine the best strategy to reach out and follow up with each one. Rather than spreading yourself even more thin, focus on cultivating meaningful relationships with leads obtained through direct marketing efforts like home valuation landing pages, property landing pages, and social media marketing.

Once you’ve refined your book of leads, how do you grow those relationships and close the gap between being just another name that quickly slips their mind and becoming a trusted resource they turn to for their real estate needs? The answer lies in finding great marketing and CRM solutions and utilizing it.

Speed of Response

There is nothing a lead wants more than a quick response to an email, inquiry, or another touchpoint. A good CRM that is integrated into marketing channels like a personal website, landing pages, property valuation tool and more will give you the leg up you need. The minute the lead is submitted via these marketing channels and added to the CRM, if it’s built with you in mind, you will be notified and can take immediate action via text, call, or email.

Thoughtful Follow-Ups

Unfortunately, there isn’t a magic formula to determine what is required to convert a lead. What we do know is that the content of your follow-up and the way you execute it does make a big difference. With a strong CRM, you can note every interaction and communication with your lead. By jotting down their demeanor, what stage of the process they are in, any personal notes about their interests, family, work, etc., you will be able to effortlessly tailor your next communication to them, making the experience less transactional and more relational. Must-have CRMs will offer you automation features that make it easy to complete this follow up, including email and SMS campaigns.


Work smarter, not harder. Instead of blasting your cultivated group of leads with generic marketing, target each lead with value-driven content that’s relevant to them depending on things that matter to them. For example, if your CRM was linked to a property valuation landing page, a submitted lead is good as gold. Not only did you receive their contact information, you now have their mailing address and property information. A fully-loaded CRM will make it easy to place this lead in an email automation process that sends them laser-focused, relevant content daily, such as a video on the home selling process or a week-long text campaign which highlights “7 Simple Steps of Moving.”

Casting a wide net will result in catching fish of all shapes and sizes, requiring extra time and energy to sort the contents. Instead, focus on cultivating and nurturing an elite group of leads through relational vs. transactional actions and use of technology, like a fully integrated marketing solution and CRM. By doing so, the ROI and conversion rate you will achieve per lead will be substantially higher.

In our quest to find the best tools and resources for Realtors we did a demonstration of RealGeeks. We were impressed with their functionality and structure to help you cultivate and convert leads. If your current CRM doesn’t allow the functionality above, you may want to check out RealGeeks. Click here to learn more about RealGeeks here or explore our Lead section for additional tips on how to cultivate meaningful relationships with leads.

RealGeeks builds powerful, simple and easy-to-use software to help real estate professionals generate more business.

The Company's mission is to combine innovative solutions and modern technology to improve the lives of Real Estate Professionals. RealGeeks specializes in creating effective, attractive websites featuring easy-to-use search functionality, listing information, scalable custom CRMs, and marketing automation that will increase conversions.

Disclaimer, RealGeeks is a paid partner of Breakthrough Broker.

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