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How to Handle Buyer Broker Agreement Objections

With NAR regulations now in effect, it's crucial to differentiate yourself as an agent in this evolving landscape. Set yourself apart by showcasing your unique value and preparation. Anticipate and role-play the objections you’re likely to encounter, ensuring you’re ready to address them confidently and effectively.

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When it comes time to sign buyer agent agreements, objections are a natural part of the process. To navigate them effectively, practice is key. Role-playing potential objections will help you respond confidently and persuasively. By preparing thoroughly and demonstrating your expertise, you'll stand out from the competition and highlight the unique value you bring as an agent.

When addressing objections, it's important to consider three key elements:

  1. Acknowledge Their Views: Recognize and validate their opinions, beliefs, and feelings to show empathy and understanding.

  2. Provide Clarity: Educate them on the facts and benefits, helping them see the value and rationale behind the agreement.

  3. Guide to Resolution: Confidently steer the conversation toward closing, ensuring they feel informed and ready to move forward with the agreement.

In a recent webinar, Real Estate Coach Kristi Jencks shared a range of objection-handling scripts. To sharpen your skills, find a partner or practice in front of a mirror by role-playing these scenarios. This preparation will help you handle objections with confidence and effectiveness!

Objection Handling Scripts

Objection 1: I don’t want to sign the agreement.

“Ok, I’m happy to review every detail, what specifically about the agreement is causing you to hesitate?”

“What specifically about the agreement is creating internal tension that is preventing you from moving forward?”

Objection 2: I’ve never had to sign one before.

“I understand. Let me ask you…Have you ever hired a professional like an attorney or accountant, doctor… they also have an agreement or some up-front fee. Are you aware I don’t get paid until the end of the transaction. So that’s only once I have successfully located, negotiated, and secured a great deal on a home for you? Don’t you think that it is reasonable that our company deserves to get paid after we have performed these for you? And you’d prefer that we are able to get this from the seller instead of you having to pay it directly, right? Then all we must do is ratify the agreement and we can move forward.”

Objection 3: None of my previous agents made me sign one of these.

“I understand but let me ask you… Did the last agent you were working with fail in getting you a home, or to follow through with what they promised?” Do you think that the agent was working with another buyer’s as well? How do you think that agent prioritized which buyer’s he was going to show up for/ You want to be my top priority right? Then all you must do is agree to hire me and we can move forward!”

“That doesn’t surprise me. There are a lot of people trying to cut corners instead of right doing things the right way, you want to make sure we are doing this above board, right? Great, then all you must do is agree to hire me and we can move forward!”

Objection 4: My old agent never had me sign one of these. (Old sale)

“I get it, I’m sure you heard of the NAR settlement that went into effect in August, as a Realtor It requires that all agency agreements be in writing. Non-realtors don’t have to subscribe to this, but they are at a huge disadvantage since they don’t have access to the MLS or the mediation processes, we as realtors do if there is a dispute later. You want those protections, right? Great, then all we must do is finish reviewing the agreement, sign, and then we can move towards finding you the perfect home and achieving your goal.”

Objection 5: It says here that I must pay your commission if the seller isn’t paying enough.

“Correct, but let’s clarify a few things... You have the option to not view homes that aren’t offering to cover this commission amount. I will absolutely negotiate my commission with the seller and try my best to avoid any out-of-pocket expenses for you. It may be rare that we see homes where you would have to cover the difference. By not offering a buyer agent commission sellers are aware they are limiting their options for finding the right buyer.”

Objection 6: Why should I pay you a minimum commission?

“I see how that could be a potential area for concern.... However, $2.5% is the minimum commission required by our Brokerage. My broker won’t allow me to work with you unless the commission is this amount. Our team has ensured massive success for our clients, ensuring our placement among some of the top Teams in the area. We are in high demand with numerous buyers like yourself trying to get access to our skills and expertise in our marketplace. It is a business decision, just like your decision to hire me as your agent was. Let me do this, I’ll agree to reduce the time on the contract to 90 days, that sounds fair, right? Great, then all we must do is finish reviewing the agreement, sign, and then we can move towards finding you the perfect home and achieving your goal.”

Objection 7: A friend told me not to sign this.

“Oh interesting, I’ve heard this before... But let me ask your friend telling you this because he thinks he’s acting in your best interest? Okay, and do you think I am acting in your best interest? So how are you going to feel if we can’t work together to get you a home and you either must end up paying more in the long run, or miss out altogether? The best way to avoid that is to trust me as a professional and hire me formally, doesn’t that make sense? Great, then all we must do is finish reviewing the agreement, sign, and then we can move towards finding you the perfect home and achieving your goal.”

“Oh interesting, I’ve heard this before unfortunately...Sorry, my broker won’t allow me to work with you in this case. I can give you a list of agents who won’t require you to sign this. Most of them have second jobs because they aren’t successful in real estate so it may take you some time to get a hold of them.”

Objection 8: I don’t understand how this benefits me.

“No problem, let’s sort this out...are you aware that most agents will only show you the houses that have the larger commissions being advertised? Do you agree that there are a bunch of great deals where the sellers aren’t willing to pay a reasonable amount? So then let's do this, we will see ALL the available houses, and if there are any that fall into this category, I will let you know and you can make the decision at that point. You can either decide to not write an offer on it, or you can and agree in advance to make up the difference. Either way you have more choices than you would otherwise. So, all we must do is finish reviewing the agreement, sign, and then we can move towards finding you the perfect home and achieving your goal."

Objection 9: Could we just try this out, or do a temporary thing?

“I see there’s some hesitation in committing to an agreement.... Let’s do this. We have 6 houses to see today. By the time we are halfway through you will have seen how knowledgeable and how much of a resource I am to you, and you can hire me at that point. If not, we’ll stop looking at houses and you can go find another agent who you think is going to give you the same quality service, and truly provide a resource for you. That seems fair right?”

Addressing buyer broker agreement objections with confidence and preparedness is essential. By proactively role-playing potential objections and clearly articulating the benefits and reasons behind the agreement, you not only overcome hesitations but also showcase your commitment and value.

At Breakthrough Broker, we're dedicated to helping you navigate the evolving real estate environment. Discover essential strategies to highlight your value by visiting Stand Out in the New NAR Landscape: Essential Resources for Success.

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